Sunday, February 28, 2016
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
My Grandfather
Thankyou so very much for this beautiful tribute to my paternal Grandfather Said Ali Zein-Iddin, , may God rest his soul.
My biggest regret is that I never met my paternal Grandfather (in fact he was killed long before my parents had even met); yet everything I hear and read about him makes me feel so connected to him and so very proud that a man who embodied such values, who actually lived by them and who was as gifted with words as he was know to be; was above all so generous with his prolific talents.
My wonderful compassionate dad, may God rest his soul too; was the image of his Father and always said he was also a great cook (although his haphazard spontaneity would have my Grandmother despairing at the resultant aftermath in the kitchen) and he had a deep love and respect for nature.
In many ways I am blessed to have inherited some of his traits but in so many other ways I find myself lacking. I aspire to be like him. One day. One day soon I hope.
Peacock Pride
On my last day at The Farm I was treated this private show.
I will also upload the video of the ritual that took place before this where he us completely snubbed by the peahen lol
Hope you find it as magical as I did 😘
Monday, February 22, 2016
Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend (Official video)
Everywhere I look there are Peacocks this year: #2016 = Year of the Peacock!
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Leap of Faith
This was the last cliff that required a running jump. The only one who had the guts to pull this off was the fearless warrior Lina! Hats off girl, you rock :)
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Canyoneering Yogis ~ Jan 2016
Sunday, February 14, 2016
The Four Storey Jump
And so it was time to woman up. Would we do the infamous 10m jump or not. Well, I filmed this part so looks like I did although I have no memory of it! Deciding to jump is the hard part, scratch that, making your body leap when all you see beneath you are a bunch of scraggy rocks whilst the guide keeps showering droplets of water where you are meant to land whilst your brain is screeching at the insanity of it all, yes, that is the hard part. But then you jump. And you are free. And when you dive into that cold refreshing blue crystal; water, well, there are no words to describe the incredible thrill. Adrenalin rush? Yes. Madness? Definitely. Would I do it again? Maybe. Make that a strong maybe!
Post Four Storey Jump
And so it was time to woman up. Would we do the infamous 10m jump or not. Well, I filmed this part so looks like I did although I have no memory of it! Deciding to jump is the hard part, scratch that, making your body leap when all you see beneath you are a bunch of scraggy rocks whilst the guide keeps showering droplets of water where you are meant to land whilst your brain is screeching at the insanity of it all, yes, that is the hard part. But then you jump. And you are free. And when you dive into that cold refreshing blue crystal; water, well, there are no words to describe the incredible thrill. Adrenalin rush? Yes. Madness? Definitely. Would I do it again? Maybe. Make that a strong maybe!